
Means and Needs is about how I found the means in me to meet, dance and date the special needs of my kid at school, hospital and home. Means and Needs is half personal story and half help. It is my confession, rant, whinge *sigh* bitch and over share. On the flip side, Means and Needs is my trove of secret weapons, life hacks, codes, checklists and tricks to meet the special needs of my kids at school, hospital and home.

Means and Needs is my safe harbour, my open fire and most of all it’s my bathroom with the door locked and the shower left on hot until the steam protects me from the mirror.

Means and Needs is the website I wish I had found when I was making harried and desperate internet searches about my kid. It is the anchor I wish I found, to help me discover that while our life was going to be different, it was always going to be freaking glorious.